Friday, July 26, 2024
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Powering connectivity – interview with Nicolas Marquier, IFC Regional Manager for the Western Balkans

We spoke with Nicolas Marquier, Regional Manager for the Western Balkans at IFC about the strategic priorities in energy for the region, including enhancing connectivity and productivity, promoting inclusivity and supporting climate resilience through renewables.

Modernising Macedonian electricity market- Q&A with Simon Shutinoski, CEO, National Electricity Market Operator – MEMO

Simon Shutinoski, CEO of North Macedonia's National Electricity Market Operator - MEMO speaks about the main challenges in establishing the country's first power exchange, the successful launch of the organised electricity day-ahead market and the next steps.

Unlocking the future of mobility: the promise and challenges of hydrogen

Dr Barna Hanula, Associate Professor and Consultant of the Hungarian Mobility Development Agency (HUMDA) writes about the potential and challenges of using hydrogen as an energy carrier in mobility.

Hungary takes on the EU Presidency: facing international climate policy challenges

Hungary has taken over the rotating presidency of the EU from Belgium. Tibor Schaffhauser, Co-Founder of the Green Policy Center examines the green priorities set by the country and the challenges it may face during the upcoming presidency.

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