Friday, July 26, 2024


EU allocates €100 million restore Ukraine’s energy infrastructure

The European Union has allocated 100 million euros of grant funds to restore Ukraine's energy infrastructure damaged by Russian attacks, protect substations and develop interconnectors with the power systems of EU countries.

USTDA signs agreement with ESO to increase cross-border grid capacity in Southeastern Europe

The US Trade and Development Agency (USTDA) signed a grant agreement with Bulgaria’s ESO to advance new transmission infrastructure.

Regulators call on EU institutions to focus on key electricity and infrastructure challenges

ACER and CEER are calling on EU institutions to prioritise 5 key electricity and infrastructure challenges throughout the upcoming legislative process.

Bulgaria needs to further develop its electricity infrastructure, ESO’s director says

Bulgaria's electricity system is in excellent condition but we need to make further efforts to develop it, stated the Executive Director of ESO Angelin Tsachev.

Baltic TSOs sent a notice on decoupling from Russian electricity system in February 2025

The electricity TSOs of the Baltic States notified Russian and Belarusian operators of the non-extension of the BRELL agreement.

PSE and Litgrid sign agreement to build Harmony Link interconnector as overland line

PSE and Litgrid signed an agreement on cooperation on the implementation of Harmony Link interconnector as an overland line.

Enea to build one of Poland’s largest energy storage

Enea is set to construct an 8 MW energy storage facility aimed at stabilising grid operations and enhancing electricity supply quality. 

Baltic countries are fully ready to synchronise, say Baltics Energy Ministers

The Baltic countries are fully ready to synchronise with the continental European electricity grid in February next year.

Latvia’s AST to invest 444.85 million euros in transmission system by 2034

Latvia's AST will invest 444.85 million euros by 2034 to enhance energy infrastructure, including EU-funded projects for energy storage and renewable power integration.

ENTSO-E, Europacable and T&D Europe pledge to empower Europe’s transmission grids

ENTSO-E, Europacable and T&D Europe are working together to ensure the timely build-out of Europe’s transmission grids for the energy transition.

MVM Group’s electricity network companies to increase security and flexibility by installing smart meters

MVM Group's two electricity distribution companies will procure and install a total of 89,103 smart meters by the end of February 2026 to enhance the flexibility of the electricity system and to promote the integration of renewables.

Technical feasibility confirmed for Harmony Link onshore AC interconnector

The results of a feasibility study confirmed that the Harmony Link onshore AC electricity interconnector between Lithuania and Poland can be a viable technical alternative to an offshore HVDC link.

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