Cookie statement

Subject of the Statement

We process the data of the visitors and users (“User”) of website (“Website”) as detailed hereunder.

The Data Controller: White Paper Consulting Kft.
Headquarter at: 1112 Budapest, Sasadi út 167.
Reg. No.: 01-09-901585

We would like You to know how your data is processed, and this is very important to us, so in this Cookie Statement, we describe exactly what cookies we are processing, for what purposes, and under what conditions.

What are cookies?

A cookie is an information package sent by the server to the browser, and then sent back by the browser to the server each time a request directed to the server is sent.

Cookies are created by the web server itself with the help of the browser on the user’s computer or mobile device, where cookies are stored in a separate directory. Thus, cookies enable the website to recognise if the user has already visited it earlier.

Kinds and types of cookies

  1. Based on the storage period

On our website, we may use two types of cookies: session or temporary cookies, and persistent or stored cookies:

1.1 Session/temporary cookie:

These cookies are only stored in volatile memory temporarily while the user is navigating on the site. When the user closes the browser, the cookie is deleted. These cookies do not contain personal data and do not identify the visitor.

1.2 Stored/persistent cookie:

These are the cookies that are used every time the user visits the site. Based on the purpose, type of cookies, these can be used as follows:

  • Analytics/Analysis:
    This shows where the visitor has been within the Website, what subpages, content they viewed, what they did. The cookie remains on the machine of the client based on lifetime. It may be used by functions such as Google Analytics or YouTube. These cookies do not contain personal data and do not identify the visitor.
  • Social networks:
    These enable the user to easily access social media networks, share their opinion, our articles with others. These may be used by third parties such as Facebook, Google+, Pinterest, Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit or YouTube. These cookies may contain personal data, and identify the visitor.
  1. Based on the legal basis and purpose of usage
  • Cookies storing data recorded by the user (“user-input cookies”):

These session cookies are used to provide user input during message exchanges with the service provider. They are based on a session identifier (a random temporary identification number), and expire at the end of the session (when exiting the browser program) at the latest. These cookies are linked to user activity (so e.g. clicking on a button or filling out a form), and are clearly required to provide the Internet service explicitly requested by the user

  • Load balancing session cookies (“load balancing session cookies”):

Load balancing enables to distribute the processing of requests received by the web server between many computers instead of a single machine. The control of this has to be maintained throughout the session; the sole purpose of information contained in the cookies is to identify the server-side endpoint of communication (one of the servers in the set of computers).

  • Social content sharing cookies: These enable the users of a social network to share the content they like with their friends. These cookies are deleted when the user “logs out” from the social network platform or closes the browser.

2.2 Cookies processed based on your consent: If You give consent, in addition to the above, we also process the following cookies:

  • Social content sharing tracking cookies (“social plug-in tracking cookies”): In case the members of social networks have consented to “tracking” when setting up the given social network in a logged-in state, e.g. for the display of behaviour-based advertisements. The additional purpose of the use of these cookies may also be for example the tracking of behaviour, analysis, or market research.
  • Cookies used for behaviour tracking by third parties (“Third party advertising”): third parties different from the operator of the Website, i.e. the Controller may place their own anonymous cookies on the Website. They do all this to track the successfulness of their applications, or to customise their applications for You. Due to the mode of operation of these cookies, our Website cannot access these cookies, and the other organisation cannot access the cookies we use on our Website for your data either. This includes e.g. social media sharing in which you share any content from the Website using a social media sharing button (for example on Facebook), and the social media that created the button records the share using a cookie.
  • Statistical audience measurement cookies (“First party analytics”): Through the anonymous collection of data, statistical cookies assist the operator of the Website in understanding how the visitors interact with the Website.
  • External advertising cookies: These include external operation cookies that are used during advertising, including the cookies used for the purposes of frequency maximisation, financial logging, advertising partnership, the detection of click fraud, market analysis, product improvement and error detection.
  • Own visit analysers: Visit analyzers are statistical tools that measure the usage of the Website, which use cookies. We use these tools to estimate the number of individual visitors, identify the keywords used most frequently in search engines that lead to the Website, as well as to track the individual web navigation requests. These exclusively serve purposes concerning our own aggregated statistics, so that the Website can serve visitor demands more quickly, more precisely.

Data processing and cookies

On the Website, cookies of the types detailed above may be placed on your device used for browsing. The cookies in section 2.1 are placed in all cases, while the ones detailed in section 2.2 are placed only if You have explicitly given consent to this when first entering our Website. These cookies are placed on your own device used for browsing, thus You are the one with complete control over them.

By using the cookies placed on your computer, the start and end date of your visit, your IP address, and in certain cases – depending on the configuration of your computer – the browser, the operating system type, language, the parameters of your device, the settings You have provided on our Website, the subpages visited, and the time spent on them may be recorded automatically. The operator does not and cannot connect these data to personal data, You decide on the sharing of these by giving us explicit consent, as well as using the cookie settings provided in your browser.

With the use of cookies, the system automatically generates statistical data concerning the duration of the visit, the pages visited, in order to enable the operator to enhance, optimize the services of the Website, and further tailor them to the needs of the user. The operator also uses the cookies to provide You content in accordance with your previous activity during your next visit, to enable automatically loading personal settings to make using the Website more comfortable.

The method of disabling and/or removing cookies

You can set up your browser to accept all cookies, to reject them all, or to notify You if a cookie is sent to your computer. The options are usually located under the menu item “Options” or “Settings” of the browser. Different browsers use different mechanisms to reject or deactivate cookies. Please use the “Help” menu to apply the appropriate settings.

Please note that if you disable cookies, you will still be able to use the Website, but its certain parts or functions may not work perfectly on the Website without cookies.

The Controller hereby informs You that You can determine how the cookies are used through your Internet browser. These settings are usually located in the “Options” or “Settings” menu of the browser. To understand these settings, the following links may be useful, or You can use the “Help” option of your browser to come to know further details:

Delete and manage cookies in Internet Explorer

Cookie preferences in Firefox

Cookie preferences in Chrome

Other important information

If You wish to modify your cookie settings related to the Website, or perhaps delete them, then you can do so in the settings of the browser you use to access the Internet, as cookies are stored on your computer, and not at the operator of the Website. You can use the Help of the browser You are using to find further information about these, and to modify your previous cookie settings, or perhaps delete the cookies previously placed by the operator on the device You use for browsing.

Judicial remedy

If You have any questions concerning this Cookie Statement, please contact the Data Protection Officer of the operator:

Name: Andrea Pánczel

If you feel that the operator of the Website has violated your right to the protection of personal data, You may assert your claim before a civil court, or request the help of the National Authority for Data Protection and Freedom of Information as well.

With a notification addressed to the National Authority for Data Protection and Freedom of Information, You may initiate an investigation citing that your right concerning the processing of your personal data has been impaired, or there is a direct risk of this.

Supervisory Authority name: National Authority for Data Protection and Freedom of Information

Address: H–1125 Budapest, Szilágyi Erzsébet fasor 22/c.
Telephone number: +36/1-391-1400
Email address:

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In the case of the infringement of your rights, or the rejection of your objections, you may apply to court against the Controller. The court gives priority to the case, and decision on the proceedings is within the jurisdiction of the court.

The Competent Court: Fővárosi Törvényszék (Capital Tribunal)
Address: HU-1055 Budapest, Markó u. 27.
Postal address: 1363 Budapest, Pf. 16.
Central phone: +36-1/354-6000

Please note that You are also entitled to go to the court competent based on your place of residence or habitual residence; you may also initiate the proceedings there as well instead of the Court above.

If the Controller causes damages by processing your data unlawfully, they are obligated to reimburse them.

If your personal rights are violated by the Controller by unlawfully processing your data or breaching the data security requirements, You may demand compensation from the Company.