Friday, July 26, 2024


Unlocking the future of mobility: the promise and challenges of hydrogen

Dr Barna Hanula, Associate Professor and Consultant of the Hungarian Mobility Development Agency (HUMDA) writes about the potential and challenges of using hydrogen as an energy carrier in mobility.

Hungary takes on the EU Presidency: facing international climate policy challenges

Hungary has taken over the rotating presidency of the EU from Belgium. Tibor Schaffhauser, Co-Founder of the Green Policy Center examines the green priorities set by the country and the challenges it may face during the upcoming presidency.

Europe’s electricity grid should go digital to match climate ambition, but regulation must follow suit

Cillian O’Donoghue, Eurelectric’s Policy Director, shares with us the main findings of the 'Wired for Tomorrow' study focusing on how DSOs must expand, modernise and digitalise the grid.

Strategic upstream developments: key takeaways from CEE experts

László Nagy, from MVM CEEnergy, shares with us the key takeaways of the 58th CEEC conference, which offered a valuable platform for the representatives of the upstream industry to explore contemporary trends and challenges.

Pressing energy and climate duties awaiting the new European Commission

Maciej Jakubik, EU regulations and policy coordinator at Forum Energii writes about the new priorities in the EU energy and climate policy that the incoming European Commission will have to set.

Methane emissions under scrutiny: what the new EU Regulation means for energy and imports

Maria Olczak, Research Fellow at the Oxford Institute for Energy Studies, analyses the newly adopted EU Regulation and what exactly it means for oil and gas operators, importers and Member States to mitigate methane emissions.

The path to sustainable European competitiveness for clean tech: the hydrogen case

Jorgo Chatzimarkakis, CEO of Hydrogen Europe, writes about the issue of international competitiveness and how with clean hydrogen, Europe has a chance to secure a leading role in a multi-billion-euro global industry.

European Green Deal – Central and Eastern Europe’s overlooked geopolitical tool

Christophe Jost, from CEE Bankwatch Network and Pieter de Pous, from E3G explore the critical role the EU plays in driving the clean energy transition in CEE, highlighting recent progress and the challenges that lie ahead.

Is 2030 still uncertain? Opportunities and risks in achieving net zero by 2050

Jarand Rystad, CEO of Rystad Energy writes about the real pace of the energy transition and what kinds of uncertainties and challenges must be dealt with on the road to net zero.

Ensuring robust final NECP updates is vital to EED implementation

Arianna Vitali, Secretary General at the Coalition for Energy Savings writes about the importance of updating the National Energy and Climate Plans (NECPs) to ensure the right implementation of the Energy Efficiency Directive.

The future of natural gas storage

Dr György Berze, CEO of HEXUM Natural Gas writes about the effects of the energy market transformation on the natural gas infrastructure, presenting what can and must be done to ensure that the very valuable natural gas technology remain an essential, efficient and profitable part of the green energy system.

Heating without burning: how cities can accelerate the heat transition away from fossil fuels

Allison Le Corre, communication and campaign manager at Covenant of Mayors – Europe, describes how hige the impact can be if we empower cities to change their heat and expand collective solutions.

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