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HomeHydrogenEuropean Hydrogen Backbone initiative to cooperate with Ukraine's Gas TSO
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European Hydrogen Backbone initiative to cooperate with Ukraine’s Gas TSO

The European Hydrogen Backbone (EHB) initiative has announced a collaboration with the Gas Transmission System operator of Ukraine (GTSOU) to pave the way toward an integrated European hydrogen infrastructure.

“The EHB vision is to build an integrated pan-European hydrogen infrastructure to supply hydrogen to end-users at a low cost,” said Daniel Muthmann, Chairman of European Hydrogen Backbone. “The large demand volumes identified in previous EHB work and the acceleration anticipated as part of RePowerEU will need as much European domestic supply and imports from neighbouring regions as possible. In our assessment of supply potential from countries neighbouring the EHB, we identified among others also Ukraine as essential. I am happy to announce that today EHB entered into an MoU with the TSO of Ukraine. It is the basis of future collaborations to establish the right environment to connect Ukrainian assets to the EU hydrogen infrastructure. We are very close to the Ukrainian TSO and all those affected by the war.”

“Ukraine could be a great partner of the EU when it comes to implementing the Hydrogen Strategy,” added Pawel Stanczak, Deputy General Director for Development and Transformation of the GTSOU. “Our system of gas pipelines should be of service for the hydrogen transportation to EU. We are happy to announce that the TSO of Ukraine entered into an MoU with the European Hydrogen Backbone. We expect that collaboration with other European gas TSOs will support more rapid implementation of this vision.”

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