Tuesday, October 22, 2024
HomeOil & GasRecord annual production from Naftogaz's new gas wells
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Record annual production from Naftogaz’s new gas wells

Ukrainian state-owned company Naftogaz announced on Tuesday (9 Tuesday) that in 2023 its gas subsidiary Ukrgazvydobuvannya produced over 1 billion cubic metres of gas from new wells for the first time in the company’s history.

According to Naftogaz, this record production rate was achieved thanks to the use of new technical capabilities in old depleted deposits, the layers of which were previously unreachable, as well as active drilling of new deposits.

In 2023, 86 new drilling wells were put into operation, 24 of them with an initial flow rate of more than 100,000 cubic metres. Among them is a well with a production rate of 580,000 cubic metres.

Naftogaz launches production well of 580,000 cubic metres of gas per day

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