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HomeOil & GasFourth well starts production at Hungary's new gas field
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Fourth well starts production at Hungary’s new gas field

According to the planned schedule, the fourth well at Hungary’s Nyékpuszta hydrocarbon site has been put into operation. Hungary started production from the first well at the unconventional gas field in the country’s southeast last February to strengthen the country’s energy sovereignty and security of supply.

Hungary strengthens energy security with domestic gas extraction

The venture forms part of the Corvinus project, declared a priority investment and implemented with the participation of state-owned energy company MVM Group in a joint venture structure. The participating parties, including MVM CEEnergy, aim to exploit the hydrocarbon potential of the area and increase daily capacity. The previously commissioned three wells have so far extracted approximately 46 million cubic metres of natural gas and 56 thousand cubic meters of condensate (light oil).

The first well has been operational since February 2023, joined by another one in early December. Two additional wells were drilled in the area last year. With all technical conditions met, one of these began production at the end of last year, and the other commenced extraction just this week.

The Hungarian government hopes that production from Nyékpuszta will help and the utilisation of available domestic resources will enhance the country’s energy sovereignty. The Ministry of Energy confirmed that although gas deliveries based on long-term contracts are uninterrupted and the storage capacity remains above 80 per cent, increasing domestic production contributes significantly to Hungary’s security of supply.

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