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HomeRenewablesPoland forms a special council for offshore wind energy development
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Poland forms a special council for offshore wind energy development

The Ministry of Climate and Environment of Poland hosted the first meeting of the Offshore Wind Energy Coordination Council which will oversee the development of offshore wind energy in Poland in accordance with the Sectoral Agreement.

The Agreement was signed in September 2021 between the government administration, representatives of financial institutions, entrepreneurs, investors, supply chain representatives and research institutions.

“The development of offshore wind energy in Poland entails great opportunities to create new jobs, to support local production and service entrepreneurship involved in the supply chain, as well as to build a high position of Polish entrepreneurs in the regional, European and global value chain of offshore wind energy,” Ireneusz Zyska, Deputy Minister of Climate and Environment and Government Plenipotentiary for RES said.

The Ministry of Climate and Environment of Poland hosted the first meeting of the Offshore Wind Energy Coordination Council which will oversee the development of offshore wind energy.
Source:Ministry of Climate and Environment of Poland

The Council includes 34 members who were appointed by the Minister of Climate and Environment, Anna Moskwa and is tasked with coordinating the activities aimed at implementing the Agreement.

The overarching goal of the Sectoral Agreement is to support the development of the offshore wind energy sector in Poland and to maximise the participation of Polish entrepreneurs in the supply chain for those offshore wind farms that are being constructed in the Polish exclusive economic zone.

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